I'm joining my friend and neighbor Susan @
http://thoughtsfromovertherainbow.blogspot.com/ for her Deck the Halls Party! I missed last week because I just wasn't ready! I still have alot to do today to finish my Christmas decorating. I've posted pictures of a few of my Christmas tree ornaments. Hope you enjoy this little peek into my obsession with ornaments! When you're done be sure and go on over to Susan's blog and check out everyone's Christmas decorations! Susan is one lovely lady inside and out and her blog is just like her!
This year the tree was the first thing I got up! Last year I bought a pre-lit tree from Hobby Lobby after Christmas! We don't get real trees anymore because they effect our sinuses too much! My old tree was the kind with the pole I had to stick each branch in to and then string it with lights. I always used white and colored lights. I had it down to a science! It only took me a whole day to get the tree ready to decorate!!!!! Needless to say I'm a little anal about my Christmas tree! Pardon my french! Did I say that?!?! Anyway, while I was cooking Thanksgiving dinner I asked my 21 yr. old to bring down my tree. We put it together 1,2,3 and voila the tree was up and the lights already done! How cool is that! Okay, so I'm a little behind the times! It wasn't until last week I got around to decorating it. This new tree is smaller than my previous. My DH came home and saw it and the first thing he said was "you'll never get all of your ornaments on that tree!". Well, he was right, so I'm working on the tree in the dining room and the one in the study. Since I knew my space was limited I rummaged thru my ornaments only putting my most beautiful and favorite ones on the tree! I started putting them on the front first. I had also added a star. By the time my DH came home from work my tree was leaning to the front with the weight of the ornaments! We had to take everything off and straighten the tree again and start all over! It's done and I do believe it's my favorite tree ever! Of course I say that every year! I thought I would miss my colored lights but my ornaments actually seem to show up better with just the white! I love Christmas tree ornaments! Did I mention I love Christmas tree ornaments! You know how most of you are dishaholics....while I'm an ornamentaholic! Whew! that was hard to spell! My tree is a mixture of all kinds of ornaments and all colors! Take a look!
Handmade Ornaments!

These are two of my favorites I made. The ball I made 2 years ago. It's decorated with ribbon and various Christmas piks! The santa ornament I made from a kit 2o something years ago! I can't believe it's that old!
Last year I made several of these Christmas flags. I saw the idea in a magazine. Don't remember which one! They're all different. I have three on my tree. I made them out of scrapbook paper, stickers, ribbon, red and white pipe cleaners and small wood finials I covered with glitter. Have I mentioned how much I love glitter!?! I love how you can glimpse my Christmas tree elf! Isn't he adorable?
To your right is a styrofoam ball I covered with sequins and pearl pins of various colors! Took me forever! But I loved every minute of it! The star was a form I got at Hobby Lobby. One side is this pink and green and white with gold accents, the other is gold and silver. I love glitter! Oh yeah, I said that already!
Faberge Eggs!
Oh, I have more! Trying not to make this post too long!

I love these kind of ornaments! Does anyone know what they're called?

And Faeries!

The ones on the left are part of my Christopher Radko collection. On the right are blown glass ornaments I actually bought at Hobby Lobby last year or the year before...I can't remember!
Vintage Ornaments!

These are ornaments from my Grandmother's. We used the birds on our tree was I was little! A long time ago!!!
Okay, I'm done! But there are so many more! I'd love to share them all but you'd be here til next Tuesday! I'll leave you with this mosaic and a large Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!